Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 87- It's all about the hair

I have that kind of hair that you either have to work hard at to fix it or throw it in a ponytail. There isn't any of that washing, letting it dry on it's own and it looking good. I have super thick hair and it tends to have a mind of it's own. It seems that the hairdresser does too! Every time I go and ask her to do something she always puts her own twist on it. This was my last haircut that I had done a few days ago. The back of my hair will do OK but if I were to show you the front view you'd scream!!


Deborah said...

I'm a ponytail girl most everyday! I'm too scared to try something new cause I feel I'll not have time to do it and I'll not be able to just throw it up in a ponytail.

Loobylou said...

love all the layers she gave you Christie. Whatever you don't like about the front, you have to remember, it WILL grow, and you are lucky to have fast growing hair

pescbrico said...

I always have one request when I go to get my hair cut! I need to be able to tie the in one poneytail.
They look fabulous from the back and I'm sure I would not screen from the front! lol